The Seaman Safety Company is trying to be a doyen about providing a world-class service in the field of fire safety. We specialise in all types of cargo ships and passenger ships, shipyards, oil installations, terminals and yatchs to fulfil their fire&safety obligations professionally and cost effectively.

The Seaman Safety Company is a full-service fire and safety company that has also produced a fire&safety service network all over the world. We have more than 120 members over 75 countries. The main purpose of developing an idea like this, is meeting the need of service of our countries' ship that sail all around the world. Based on this idea, we consider that a web site like this can be helpful both for our company and you participants.

We aim to dedicate ourselves to provide an outstanding level of customer service; delivered with a sense of friendliness, integrity and transparency.


All documents, and image-files are property of SEAMANSAFETY. You are given the opportunity to use the documents if you state the source. You may not shorten or modify in any way the documents you use. This website contains information supplied by third parties, and also provides links to other sources of information. Such information is provided, or accessed, for the benefit of those visiting our site, and SEAMANSAFETY has tried to ensure that it is correct. However, SEAMANSAFETY is not able to guarantee the accuracy of such information, and therefore does not accept any liability or responsibility which might arise in reliance upon it